Posted on: 11 February, 2025
Hi, I’m Kelsey! If you’re here, it’s likely that you saw one of my speeches or listened to my Life Beyond Labels podcast before arriving at this blog. But if not, welcome—I’m so glad you’re here!
There are two things you might not know about me:
When I tell people I’m a motivational speaker, they always ask, “What do you speak about?” That’s always a great question. Right now, I speak about Life Beyond Labels, which is my interpretation of how to prioritize who we are beyond what we do. We all have something we feel defined by or a time when life has brought major change, so I share my own story of being a former athlete, overcoming head injuries and other challenges, and learning to heal through a shift in perspective.
I’ve expanded into different topics over time, but the question, “What do you speak about?” always puts me into elevator pitch mode. I have about a one-minute window to answer in a way that makes sense and is politely concise. But what I really want to say is… everything.
I want to speak about everything because, at my core, I am a writer before I am a speaker. Writing is where my thoughts begin. Every talk that I give starts as words on a page. The very inspiration for the speech that launched my career came from a series of written reflections. Writing has always been the way I make sense of the world, which is why I’ve started this blog.
It would be my ultimate dream to share the questions, thoughts, advice, and experiences I write down with people, so why not start today? When it comes to this blog, I see it as my opportunity to answer the burning question, “What do you write about?” with… everything. This is a glimpse of the world through my eyes. I write about the things that connect us—the stories that make us feel seen, the ideas that spark curiosity, and the perspectives that challenge us to grow.
However, while this blog may be a written outlet for me, I created it for you. There have been many days when reading other people’s words, through books and blogs, made me feel seen. I’ve read stories that helped me feel understood, or even just sparked curiosity when I didn’t fully agree with what I was reading. I hope these blog posts make you feel seen, curious, or inspired. And when I say inspired, I mean by the stories I’ll share about people whose paths have crossed with mine and deserve to be shared.
The one thing I might love even more than writing about the world through my eyes is learning about the world through other people’s eyes. I am a collector of perspectives, which is one of the reasons I hope you’re compelled to continue reading my blog over time. I’m biased, but I think you should stick around because these words are meant to add value, not just consume attention.
I write about everything because, as people, we should embrace all of our thoughts, questions, and stories—not just the parts that fit into an elevator pitch. When I googled “What to write for a first blog?” the recurring answer was to introduce myself. But fitting my story into a neat, introductory elevator pitch didn’t feel right. So instead, I’m sharing my heart—why writing is special to me and why I hope you’ll join me each week.
Choosing to go beyond the elevator pitch and into everything is the very foundation of Life Beyond Labels. It is the heartbeat of this blog. The stories and experiences shared here are meant to spark hope, ignite curiosity, offer practical advice, and provide rich content to uplift, educate, and inspire.
If this resonates with you, I’d love for you to be part of this journey. Drop a comment, share your thoughts, or just come back next Monday. See you then!
Disclaimer: Workshops, keynotes, and content on mental health and mindfulness does not replace therapy, clinical or medical advice. Blogs, social media, workshops, and coaching sessions do not replace individualized care and counseling. Although I have a degree in social work, my content does not substitute for clinical services. I do not engage in therapy or therapeutic services through my company. As always, please consult with your medical provider or mental health clinician for mental health or medical concerns. - Thank you, Kelsey O’Connor